Counting Down the Hours
The slowly growing silhouette of the wooden human dwelling was certainly a welcome sight. Even though the wolf in his arms was light in comparison to the much larger Ookami, the muscles in the black wolves arms had been burning for some time now. " Couldn't have gotten yourself lost a little closer to home could you?" he spoke casually with only the slightest hint of strain in his voice. His eyes straining the keep focused on the goal that was now in within reach. The journey from where the two had met underneath the solitary tree had been a fairly grueling experience. Kami rarely had ever walked on two legs, and though the balance came to him a bit naturally it still was not nearly as graceful as walking in his lupus form. He knew he shouldn't be angry with the kid, but with his strength draining with every step anger was a feeling that was creeping into the back of his skull. They were close now though and as Kami's pink tongue darted between parched lips the scent of another reached him.

As he saw the wolfess emerge from the doorway he couldn't help but let out the smallest of laughs. The girl seemed to have a knack for being in the right place at the right time, but he wasn't about to complain. Feeling no need to explain as she rushed towards the pair, it was pretty obvious by her reaction she already understood the seriousness at hand. Acknowledging her words with only the slightest of nods as he never slowed down, even after she grabbed the dangling legs of the gray male. As he stepped over the rotten threshold of the abandoned dwelling the last of his strength was evaporating. Golden eyes scanned the mostly empty room searching for anything suitable for the broken body of Falgar. The eyes found nothing in time though as the ebony furred wolf dropped to one knee, solid bone impacted with the unforgiving floor as Falgar was unceremoniously set down. The dull thud of the blood matted fur echoed throughout the room as Kami sat over top of the body, his arms dangling limp at his sides.

His task completed for now, Kami was content to rest. The warmth from his breath turning to a small fog as it impacted the cold room. The burning in his lungs was easy to ignore compared to the pain shooting through his arms and legs. Only the golden eyes moved as he watched Jace glide around him. He wasn't sure how much help she would be able to give to Falgar, but he was sure it had to be better then he could provide. Though now as he sat there on the floor, the exertion of energy finally giving way to the stillness in not only his own body but the air around them. It was cold.

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