Live your story

I'm sorry this is so short. ; ; <333

”I will. Martial arts,” spoke the fiery Lykoi woman, releasing the knot of her skirt and tossing the fabric aside. ”I need to know how much you know already,” she added, more tone more formal now.

With a vague nod and a brief sigh, the old man eased onto four feet. "It's not much,", he admitted, a bit grimly. "I haven't... been inclined to practice until recently. I didn't like the form at first." His reply was honest, although vague, and he glanced away, a bit embarrassed. Clearing his throat, the man stepped back, posturing to shift and hoping the process would be short.

Whether it was for his wishful thinking or the slow pumping of excited adrenaline, he didn't know, but his limbs elongated and fur thickened at a pleasant enough rate. He always hated having to shift in front of someone else. It felt so awkward, so foreign still.

The transformation ended, and he was taller, more muscular, fuller, and two-legged. His coyote frame was shorter than most of Inferni, being of pure blood as he was. Stretching his limbs, the man moved forward, standing only feet away from the attractively curved, copper Lykoi woman. His long-fingered hands were placed onto the hips of his lithe but toned torso, taking on a firm, not unmanly posture, red eyes looking expectantly to her own for a moment. Then, thinking that they might as well just jump into it, his posture changed, legs spreading for balance and arms extended at half length, raised to near chest-height.

"Okay." the man said roughly, feeling as though he was already wrong.

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