Living Dolls


Silyva watched as he slipped his hand in the cage to remove the green stuff. Wrong mover Undertaker.. Again, Rina took another nip at him. Drawling more blood from the males body. "Rina.." She said in a stern voices. "Have you never heard of getting out on good behaviour?" Giggling a tad, she wiggled her claw into the cage to scrach the Martens back. She listened as she purred. She loved that sound. "If your a sweet girl maybe he'll let you out early hun.. Relax and be a good Rina please." She cooed to the small one. slouching down next to her loved one she confesed "It's my falt that Rina is such a brat.. She has never been so close to another wolf." Shaking her head slowly. "And with her anger towards other animals that she has for some odd reason worries me. She has been with me from the time I left home. Found her with her little tail caught between two rock. Even since then, she's been with be." With a sigh she added. "Worries me though.." Pausing to give her next words some thought.. "If something ever happens to me, she would let no one look after her I think. And I don't believe she will be able to live on her own." Turning to stare at her beloved.

After losing herself in thought, she was redirected when Undertaker joked a bit. "No.. No im fine. There not that bad. Just really gross looking I guess." Another shiver passed through her body as she remembered the first time she met the creep ass thing. Skin looked as if it was peeling off she he spoke. Teeth longer than her claws, stained in black blood. Ohh how she hated those damned things. Taken back into reality but his voice she came in mid sentence.. Just enough thou, that she understood. His face? Whats wrong with his face? As he put his hair up and turned towards her she understood. She could only stare.. Her head blank, no flow of thought passing though at all. He was.. well there wasn't a word for what described him. She was frozen, slowly taking in what she seen. His eyes. They were very different. His face. It was.. one of a kind. She would never forget his face.

She slowly melted, her thoughts returning to her when he began to bless Rina. She was glad that Rina didn't squirm or try to bite. The small creature just danggled in his grasp, staring up at him in wonder. What susprised her was when he put the water on her. She never moved or flinched on bit. Silyva was proud of her. When he moved over to her, she watched him closely. Keeping eye contact the whole time, even when she felt him lay the cross on her forehead. Leaning into it she thought a silent prayer to her Goddess. If you could my Goddess. Bless this wolf as he his doing to me. But if you could, not only would I like you to take away his gosts but also his frear and worry. Do not let him be ashamed of his marks but let him embrase them for they make him who he is. And I can tell he is a good creature underneath all his mistakes he may have done. And too all that I Pray in your Name. Amen love. Belssed it be. She finshed a little bit before he did. Only breaking her gaze to close her eys as her sprinkled the water in her.

Once she knew he was done did she speak. "Look Undertaker..You have my word that I shall tell no one. And me giving my word hardly ever happens. My mother was a Gypsy. Gypsy's never give their words to anyone unless thye really mean it." She looked up at him as he swooshed around her blood. "Your face doesn't truly bother me, its who you are. One should embrase differences, not be afraid of them." The way she looked at him, she thought he had a nice face. His eyes were beautiful. She watced as he slurpped down her blood and she did the same to his. Only she lapped it up slowly. Wanting to savor it. Savor the sweet taste she enjoyed so much. "Mmmmm, very good as well.. " Looking up to smile at him.

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