To mend a broken soul
Mizu liked this wolf so far, she seemed a little wary but who wasn't when they first met a stranger? She smiled, thinking of her past travels. It had been over three months since she had had contact with anyone wolves. Even in her last stay with a pack Sensei was the only one who she really spoke to. Faryn seemed to relax and Mizu grinned, happy she was calm. She nodded her head, "I have never heard of those parts. What was it like, living in the mountains? Cold?" She hadn't lived in anywhere that was exceptionally cold and wondered often what mountains were like, she never really had been around them much, especially not up them.

Faryn saw her tear that managed to escape her eye. "Uh- yeah. I'm fine, just a -uh- memory." She grinned slightly but the sadness had dampened her spirits. Hopefully Faryn wouldn't think her a crybaby or get bored with her. She definatley didn't want that to happen. She leaned forward towards Mizu, concerned. Mizu smiled gratefully glad that this wolfess actually cared. "Thanks." She wanted to steer the conversation in another direction, to get to know this kind wolfess in front of her. "So what kind of skills do you have? What can you do? Anything special?" She smiled.

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