Dirty Laundry
Bah, no problem <3

Wouldn't he stop it?! Even when the poor woman tried to catch up with the horse HE had scared off, he wouldn't stop himself. And laughing at the woman's trouble?! How disappointing, to say the least...

"I don't believe I would, no. I still wonder what would of have happened if I haven't been here..." The Russian talked back, the coldness and hardness in his purple eyes matching that of the Marbas besides him. He crossed his arms over his chest in a rather aggressive way... if that was actually possible. The gray man could have punched the other, but didn't, since it wouldn't be appropriate. In fact, he could stop himself to do things he wanted to. A skill that seemed rather poor on the black warrior.

He kept on staring back at the other's blue eyes, not willing to be the first to give up. Actually, the older male could of stay like that the rest of the day, if necessary, but seeing the both of them had duties to attend, all much more important than that childish face-off, the Russian sighed deeply, worrying of what would be of the young wolf in front of him.

"I believe it's about time we return to our other duties. Shall we?" The grayish man spoke up, still looking at the other, but stretching out a hand for the other to go first.

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