
She was interrupted by the sudden words from what she had thought to be a sleeping male. Apparently she was only half right. His curiosity made him ask about what she wrote, and it brightened her thoughts to think someone else might share her affinity for the written language. She twirled the piece of charcoal between her dusted fingers, pink eyes giving a sideways glance at the golden-brown male. She was about to reply, but he burst forth with introductions; J'adore Austral, from AniWaya. AniWaya. Her mind tossed the word over. AniWaya had been the home of the handsome cream-white Nayati Utina. Her sorrowed features pulled into a vaguely cheerful expression.

"Mi llamo Krystalle. From Cercatori d'Arte," she countered. The Spanish dripped off her tongue easily, more comfortable than English to the Latin mutt. Cercatori was a good place. Shawchert had proven a kind male, and she was quite fond of him. It was Mars who made her yearn for Nakzhi, and the other Children. Someone who understood, and people who loved her, even if they thought a little differently. She turned her face back to the book, another line going down onto the page. "It's a story my papa told us when I was little. My sister liked it. She liked a lot of his stories. The humans where I lived, they called it 'Blanca Nieves'. I found books with it, but I left them behind." It was a horrible loss, to leave all of those books back in her home.

"It's kinda quiet out, huh, mi querido? What are you doing out here?" The book closed, resting on her lap. Her body shifted to face J'Adore, floppy ears twitching and wiggling at the sounds around them. The sea was a beautiful thing, and calmed her easily. Better to keep her mind away from Mars.

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