A Need For Something Long Lost
ooc: thanks, and I would be pretty rude too if I was in the situation

Aletha took a step back at the males bared teeth. The back of her neck started to fluff out more and she felt her lips trying to uncover her teeth. Turning her head a bit while narrowing her eyes at the males rude words. "I had not by all means tried to turn the poor thing to paste, next time I'll land on you instead." she forced herself to say in a soft voice though it hummed with an angry growl.
Her ears twitched at the pup behind him. She dove her head down and tried to see through the thick legs of the male. She had a problem seeing so she tried to inch around the grey wolf and see the adolescent behind.
She flinched with the pup as he tried to put wait on it. How could she be so terrible! She thought frantically to herself in panic and guilt at if she had lamed the poor pup.
"I'm so sorry about that" she said her voice much friendlier then it had recently been. She gave a wary look to the male before trying to inch a bit closer to the white pup.
She closed her eyes when she heard the whimper feeling horrible about the situation.
"Sorry!" she said in a faint whimper.
"Yes I did, but I didn't want to be rude and barge in so I looked to see what was happening then I fell when I tried to leave."

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