My Boy
He watched as his son showed shock on his face. That was understandable. His world had just been turned upside down. He was not prepared for Falgar thinking he was torturing him. His face became confused. What do you mean, haven't I tortured you enough? He decided that he needed to prove that he was real.

He gingerly stepped next to Falgar and touched him. He then needed to explain himself. When you escaped, they left me for dead. When I got better, they told me to leave because of what we are. I blamed myself for what happened. I went into a daze and a few months later found myself lost in the middle of nowhere and nearly starving. Then I realized that I needed to find you. He looked at his son.

I'm sorry that you thought that I died. In many ways, I was. Please forgive your old man and let him get to know you more. He was tottering close to his usual pit/pool of self-pity and blame. So he tried to smile but it came out sad.

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