Fox in the hen house

Word Count → 311 :: Nom nom!! Sorry this took a while, stupid me and slowing down during the week <3

In the excitement of the newcomer Liliana couldn’t help but smile at the words the young woman spoke to her. So that’s how she came here she met Nayati. She let the wolf speak her mind, it wasn’t s though she wasn’t allowed to, but it seemed she became ashamed and apologized for the outburst. Liliana couldn’t help but giggle and hold her hand up. She was in no way offended by the woman’s actions. Liliana had done such a thing occasionally when she got excited herself.

"No reason to apologize, and me and Nayati are mates. I am glad you have met him."

She said giggling a little. Yes he was not always well socialized so getting out meeting the newcomers was always helpful. Then again Liliana was not as socialized either. She was thankful that others came to visit their horses though, or she’d have no company at all. Though it seemed that the woman who was no in the process of introducing herself had no horse. Liliana had seen no new horse and she’d fed them all today, so maybe the young woman was just taking a look?

"Pleasures all mine. Is there anything I can help you with or just here to enjoy the sights?"

There was a small smile on Lili’s face. She knew she was the only one in this pack that really enjoyed the sight of the familiar stables, as old as it was and the damage it had taken during the winter storm. She knew they would have to erect a new one soon, to house all the horses they had and the stupid cows as well, though Lili would have liked to let them stand outside and freeze. It would be added meat too their stores at least. She didn’t care much for the fat beasts that had such a thick head.

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