[M] No one hears you scream in the darkness
Ookami growled. This wolf was strange to him, why would you want to have a litter in vain. It sickened Ookami to his very core. He snarled and watched him with disgust, he could actually taste his disgust it was so big. He looked at Jace, and got very angry, he couldn't do this to his friend. Ookami backed up a bit, in his Secui form his muscles bulged underneath his coat, strong and taut. They were in great shape after all the hunting and dragging down of moose and deer. He snarled again and took a running leap, ramming into Lucifer he hoped to rip him away from Jace. He shouldn't be doing this to her, and Ookami would make sure that it would never happen to her again. He growled at Lucifer again, baring his teeth bit onto his arm. He used all the strength he could in his jaw muscles. He wanted Lucifer to never show his face around here again. He growled, staring down into Lucifer's eyes, Ookami's eyes glowed gold, they sparked with anger.

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