Once it was Smooth

OoC: Word of the day points! Fanfaronade use once :p

Words ~500

The female Optime stopped and rested on a tree, looking like she was in a fair amount of pain. She was favoring an area on her side near her ribs and her answer of, “I think I’ll be fine….” Worried the male. He had seen a few of his former pack members fall or get bucked off horses and be seriously hurt. Amusingly, the horse’s name was Buck, as Lilaina elaborated after asking about how Jaden managed to stop the stallion and thanking him for doing so. He recognized her voice from the deadly curse he had heard yelled through the forest and realized Buck might risk losing some of his masculinity very soon. Jaden held the reins a bit tighter. If the horse had brains enough to understand her, he defiantly would not hang around very long. “You’re welcome. It wasn’t really anything amazing. In fact, stepping in front of a running stallion probably was not the smartest thing I have ever done. But, thankfully, he stopped. We shared some sugar and now he and I are somewhat acquainted,” Jaden said with a smile. Luck was no good reason to create any sort of fanfaronade. Buck was beginning to bore with trying to get at Jaden’s measly supply of sugar too. The Alaskan pulled on his reins a little and took a few slow steps toward Lilaina, watching the horse closely for any sign of panic. He doubted buck trusted him yet and feared a quick movement would result in Buck rearing and trying to plant a hoof on his face.

When they were a bit closer to Lilaina and Buck didn’t quite seem to be trying to escape yet, Jaden continued, still cautious of the stallion. “I’m Jaden, Lilaina. It’s nice to meet you.” Buck blew air from his nose at the sight of Lilaina and shifted his hooves a bit. Jaden swallowed when the horse nudged him on the shoulder. Buck was picking up on his nervousness and having never handled a horse before made the stallion standing next to him more and more intimidating for the Jaden. He laughed uncomfortably, “Buck’s a nice horse and all, but I don’t think he likes me now that I am out of treats. You look uncomfortable, but would you take him or tie him to something please?” He said this without offering the reins or taking his eyes from Buck. “I could take a look at your wound if you’d like. I’ve hurt myself more times then any smart wolf should, so I know a little bit about broken bones and such…?” The offer was more for compensation. Making her take the horse in her condition seemed unfair, but he felt Lilaina would have more authority over Buck or at least hoped she would. He had just bucked her off after all. Jaden was almost healed from his latest injury. A concussion or broken rib from a horse kick would be a little disconcerting.

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