my sunshine
3+ Figured we could wrap this up, since new plot thingies will be comin' up. It's safe to assume she'll have tried to see him between the time of this thread and now, though whether or not she finds him is up to you, since he's your character. <3 After Ezekiel tells her about Elvy&Eli, and after she flips out on Gabe, she'll go looking for Caillen for some comfort. DRAMAZ! Ilu.

Everything seemed to be falling into place for the russet princess. Not once since her childhood had she found someone who left her so comfortable as Caillen did; nestled against his softer fur, color returned to the gray shapes of the world. Her crimson eyes surveyed his features with cool recognition, washed away quickly by a warmth she hadn't experienced outside of her family. Love? No. She was unsure if she even loved the family that had cared for her, but it was something more than simple infatuation. His presence warmed her in ways no one else did.

Her suggestion seemed to be a joke to the giant wolfdog, and his mirthful response left her spirits low. Of course, he was right. It had been foolish to think she would simply be able to waltz into Inferni with the wolf in tow and be accepted. Even if she could make Gabriel understand, the rest of the kingdom would rage in silence. What a scandal that would be. The Aquila's daughter, caring so deeply for the enemy. The situation seemed grim each second she thought of it. How could she have been so foolish?

A shadow passed over her eyes, gazing toward the home she loved. "Right, yes. Silly of me," she whispered. A delicate finger wrapped auburn curls in tight circles as she thought of what to do next. "I apologize, but I should go. Before someone comes looking for me." It wasn't true; she didn't need to leave. She just wanted to end future suffering before it began. The charming Romeo she'd come across couldn't be a victim of her life, not like the family she apologized for and to. She wouldn't allow it. Careful not to disrupt the delicate air that'd settled around them, she pulled herself from his arms once more. It was time to make her departure. "I'm sorry. Maybe you can come see me sometime," she offered. She didn't expect to see him again. The very thought left her wondering if she shouldn't just run away again, but she knew that she couldn't.

"Or I can come find you. It was...wonderful to meet you, dear prince." The words left her lips as she took steps away from him. She was still famished, but it was best to end the charade then, just as she felt it starting.


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