Argul Seeking Shawchert...
“ I am very grateful for your generosity and would like to accept immediately.” His voice was very humble and he put on a great show of respect, but as he began to finish the previous phrase his voice trailed off into a sad disappointing sound.

“Before that though, I fear there is a matter I must bring to your attention. Although I assume some facts, so forgive me if I am mistaking anything.” He strained a bit, and it was not an act. This was a critical moment that he wasn’t sure how it was going to pan out. He tried not to stop too long so that it was not a long drawn out story that would irritate Shaw.

“I have not told Orin this, but she mentioned Niro is her brother. My assumption is that this wolf resides in this pack as well?” He gave a slight pause for an answer but continued shortly after, he would let Shaw decide whether he wanted to answer there or listen to the entire story first.

“Well, as you already know, I was travelling. I stopped at a camp I found. A wolf approached me, stating he was Niro and did not take kindly to wanderers and loners taking to his camp site. I found myself in a predicament. I saw no wolf when I first approached the camp and did not mean to intrude. As I tried to explain and then decided it was no good, I went to leave. That’s when the bird attacked, as well as the wolf. The bird raked my back but I was able to fend off the wolf and flee with only minor injuries.”

He turned his back to Shaw and showed him small bird like talon scratches in his upper back. They were healed now but the fur had not grown in properly yet, making it unmistakable.

“If it be your wish to retreat your acceptance of me into your pack, I would understand and dismiss myself immediately.” He quietly awaited the answer and slowly turned back around, examining Shaw’s expressions.

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