character dilemma
Thanks Leah LOL I adore Claude myself xDD wah when people say they like one character that boosts my muse for them, so this is getting confusing for me. Fail.

I never even looked at the Lasky board, it's cool I can test out characters. I don't have to be accepted to post there? I think I will try that out and see if that helps me out any.

I realize that. That's why I'm taking my time in trying to figure out who I want so I can last this time around and be happy with rping here. I'm glad you guys put up with me and are so willing to keep plotting, yeah. <3 That helps me out a lot actually. xD

So I know you have to ask for extra characters, but is there a limit on how many you can ask for? If I can eventually get going and get my second and third and possibly fourth, I'd be so set cause I'd have a bunch of characters I love xDD

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