[M] My soul shatters, only you keep me together
Her breathing increased double time and she simply stared. Nausea filled her stomach and disbelief filled her mind, she had been so sure and now.. now she was as much a monster as HE was. She tried again to speak,

"Temo.. I'm... I didn't... " A strange strangled whine came out of her throat and suddenly her legs collapsed from under herself dropping her body to the floor, only her outstretched hands stopped her muzzle meeting the ground, and exposing the lines of red blood that extended from the back of her neck all the way down her spine and sides to the base of her tail and the teeth marks in her shoulder. Now the tears came although she couldn't raise the energy to sob and scream and how like she wanted to so instead the salty drops poured themselves down her face mixing with the blood and dirt that stained her fur.

She raised her head from facing the ground and looked up, unable to meet his hurt eyes,

"I.. I thought you were HIM. I thought he was coming back again, I... You're both black." The word 'him' was spat from her lips with hate, venom and bile. She tried to raise herself upright but her legs still refused to work so instead she held out a blood splattered and stained paw to him,

"Temo... please. I'm sorry. I need you." Now she sobbed, her voice broke on the last sentence, her tail and ears were completely lifeless, laying against her head and the floor.

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