J - Hiding in the hills

Hello! ^^ Savina's usually more welcoming, she's just in bad shape right now DX 300+

Savina had been keeping mostly to herself unless she were being visited. She did not seek company out, but usually did not turn it away if it came. The Consul was markedly quieter than was her nature to usually be though. With all the pain of her heart and her body, she had started to retreat inward, unable to cope with the horrible loss of her adopted son. Everyone did their best to ease her self accusations and grief, but it was of little help. Savina had crawled into a deep, dark hole and at the moment she had little desire to leave it. She constantly had the metal mask that had belonged to Denali by her side and refused to let anyone remove from her person. Not only was it all she had left of him, but it was now her burden to bear; a symbol of the emotional and psychological weight she had placed upon her shoulders.

The Marino woman had been staring without focus or expression at the wall of her temporary room on the ground floor. She wished she could be in her regular room, but it was not possible for her to climb the stairs in her condition and she would not allow herself to be carried. The Italian fey was still the leader of this pack and she did not wish to appear as so much of an invalid. Her brother's short call for a leader came as a surprise and as much as she wished to just stay where she was, she knew she could not. With a slow effort, she rose herself to her feet, a grimace painting her face. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she then hobbled out of the door and into the main area; her left back leg still could not take much weight and her right shoulder pained her when she moved.

The limping alpha came up to her brother and then her dulled emerald gaze fell on the form of a young boy whom she did not know. Even though he looked nothing like Denali, she felt an aching pain in her heart for they would not have been far apart in age if her son were still alive. "Ehno," she said, looking back to her brother. "Whom do we have here?" The Consul looked back to the boy and tired to muster a welcoming smile so she wouldn't appear as such a monster, limping out from the shadows.

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