[M]-Putting Out the Fire with Gasoline

+599 - Angry Gotham is angry. RAGEFACE!

It was impossible not to hear the snarling commotion, especially when one was out hunting during such a thing. The moment the Phoenix boy heard the familiar cry and voice of his mother, he'd dropped the rabbits he'd caught and made like hell was loose towards the source. His run had only been stalled by the quick moment he gave to change from Optime to Secui, a form rarely, if never, used by Gotham, the gentle giant.

He came crashing through the brush just as Amata was patching his mother up. The sight of his mother there, broken and beaten... Blue eyes widened and the already fierce looking lad seemed to grow in size, his fur standing on end and bristling. "Ma!" He was at their sides in an instant, sliding to a halt beside Amata, but keeping enough out of her way for medical reasons. He addressed his sister first, and when he did, his voice was undertoned in a protective growl.

"Good lord, Amata.. what the hell happened!?" His eyes never left his mother, though. The broken expression... the horrid wounds. The arrow and dagger said that another luperci had done it, but who!? Those dark eyes moved to said discarded weapons, and with an ear trained to the women beside him, boy leaned over to take a sniff.

The scent he got off the dagger, aside from his mother's blood, was one that sent a cold chill down his spine. Nuki. The female that had joined not long before. The same female he'd passed by in the mansion a few times. A packmate. A supposed friend. A traitor.

As the realization hit, a snarl escaped the boy's throat, his eyes following the blood trail to the woods where the other girl had disappeared into. Why the fuck would she dare do something as stupid as attacking our mother!? Our Consul!? Who's stupid enough to fuck around with the Marinos? Questioning was the first bit of thought that processed, and then, anger. I'll.. I'll fucking kill her. I'll rip out her spine and choke her with it. Later, Gotham would be sure to feel uncomfortable about his own thoughts, but right at that moment...

"Nuki did this." His mother didn't have to say a word. Gotham turned to look at Amata, fur flattening and eyes gleaming with something that had never shown behind those blue irises before; pure, unadulterated hatred. "God dammit..." Boy glanced over at his mother, then back to his sister, mind racing. "We let her into the pack, gave her fucking shelter... and she fucking..."

From there, Gotham stood and started pacing on all fours, snarling curses and chancing angry glances at the bloody trail the traitor had left in her wake. After a few moment of pacing, his voice died away into silence, then a growl as he stopped, facing the woods with tail high in the air, hackles on end. "I should go after her. I should track her down and stop her. If she gets away, who knows what she'll do." That intelligent mind was at work, judging how far she could've gotten.

"She's hurt. The blood... Mom hurt her. She couldn't have gotten far, and she won't put up much fight if she's chancing to run. I could find her and bring her back or something. I could..." The rest was left to the imagination as to what the Phoenix boy would do, if and when he found her. The look in his eyes was dangerous though. Never before had he been so enraged, and in front of his family!

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