Wandering the Village
Saphrina tried to move her muscles but failed, she looked around to tired to even try to move or even think. She let out a soft sigh her muscles getting stiff and her fur still covered in water but it slowly drying and ice melting. She looked at her sister and let out a soft whine hopeing to indicate that she was tired.

Saphrina closed her eyes and tried to stay awake but couldnt. Her breathing got soft, her dreams worse than the nightmares. She drempt that Ayasha was trying to kill her. But she knew her sister wouldnt do that... Or would she? Saphrina didnt know but in her dream Ayasha was chaseing her to the pond and once they got there her heart was beating so fast it hurt.

Saphrinas breathing sped up even tho she was sleeping. She looked at her sister, but then ayasha pushed her into the icy water pushing her head under the water and keeping it there. Saphrina wiggled as much as she could against ayashas grasp on her head trying to hold her breath. Soon Saphrina sank to the bottem of the pond.

Saphrinas eyes shot open and looked around her heart beating so hard it felt as if it was next to her. "Shanta?!" she called weakly still tired from what happend earlier. She must have slept for a while because she couldnt see anyone. She called out once more "Shanta?!" she started to get worried. What if Ayasha got her? she thought to herself. She tried to get up but her muscles hurt so badly. She continued to look around calling Shantas name "Shanta! Shanta where are you?" She said her voice getting weaker.

She began to get worried. She didnt think her sister was a killer but her dream had scared her very badly. She looked around once more and let out harsh coughs trying to get shantas attention if she was near by

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