Argul Seeking Shawchert...
Ooc: May not be the way you want to go, but I am holding back on the “action” for now Wink

He smiled gratefully for the concern and understanding that Shaw gave him. He still showed all proper respects and manner while in front of Shaw. He was inwardly happy and ecstatic though. Everything was falling together. The puzzle almost put itself together for him; all he had to do was stay with it. He made a slight bow to Shaw and spoke as he came back to look at him.

“If it pleases you, I will do as you ask. I have total confidence and faith in your decisions, for the pack. But if I may, I require no retribution for the incident. I come from a place where that attack would be considered self defense. I just wanted to inform you of the events. I was unsure if he was part of this pack, plus he is Orin’s brother.”

The last part drifted off a bit. Mentioning her name brought memories of her back to the fore front of his mind. He spoke her name fondly, yet sadly. He had not told her yet. But it didn’t matter, he was in the pack, the job was done. What he needed to do has taken place. Now he only had to follow through with the rest. And as he looked at Shaw, he knew he would have no problem continuing on. A smile finally appeared on his face. He looked around a bit then back to Shaw, smile never fading, though it was forced a bit. He, now, could not stop thinking about Orin and what was to come.

“Is there anything I can do to assist? I am not the best at home repairs, but I can work make shift shelters or any other tasks. Board up broken windows?”

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