For the First Time

OOCtasties: Yaay :3

The fluffy creature canted his head to one side as she spoke, his rounded ears twitching back and forth. "Siku.." He repeated after her, as if trying to commit it to memory. He wasn't always the best with names, but he was trying to learn. He figured he would be able to remember her fairly well, however. She was the first wolf he had met in this new land- well, the first anything really. He idly watched the sun glint off of her coat, amazed at the purity of the color. He had never seen a wolf who was soo... White, before. His excitement was only fueled by her own, and he began to shift his weight back and forth to dispel some of the pent up energy. He was so happy to be meeting someone new, and she seemed pretty nice too. She didn't get mad at him for his rambling, after all. When he was with the older wolves, they were always scolding him and nipping his scruff when he got carried away like that.

His eyes did catch on her tooth for a moment, and he opened his muzzle to ask when suddenly the topic was changed to him. He quickly looked back up into her eyes, seeming startled at her sudden outburst. He leaned back a bit, ears fully erect- and then he settled right back down, smiling once again. "Ahh, yeah." He didn't often get many positive remarks about his coat, but then again he had spent most of his time around snarky old males. "It's okay if ya wanna touch it, I don't mind." He offered, allowing her paw to reach his shoulder to test out the floof.

His smile cracked back into a grin, and he offered a somewhat sheepish shrug of his shoulders. "I'unno, it's just always been this way. My mom's coat was never like this, so I'm guessin' it's like my dad's. But I'm not sure, never met 'im." He had no idea what his father had been or who he was, as his mother had carefully hidden her painful past from him. He lifted himself to his feet and dropped his front half forward as if stretching, rump in the air behind him. He shook the mane surrounding his head for a moment, then stretched his front half towards her. "Y'can feel more if you want. I don't care. My mom used t'like it too." He smiled in a friendly way up at the tiny female. "It's like that all over. Gets worse when I get bigger, y'know." He had the bad habit of expecting people to know what he was talking about when he talked about his other forms. "I mean, like... It gets fluffier and there's more of it." He glanced slightly behind him, as if trying to look back at his tail without moving his head. "Even m'tail is like that, too."

He paused a moment, a confused look gracing his face- had there been something he had wanted to say before? He thought on that a moment, then looked right back up at her without a second thought. "Oh, what happened to your tooth?" He wasn't really one to talk; his mouth wasn't exactly the nicest thing to look at what with his lower canines being bigger than his top, his dark tongue, and his spotty gums. But nevermind. He didn't know what tact was anyways. He was a blunt kind of guy.

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