Bloody and beaten soul.
Leon felt his head throb, along with his shoulder and sides. He blinked rapidly and groaned in pain. "Yes, I hear you..." He groaned, lifting himself slightly and shaking his head. Then he registered that someone was actually standing nearby. He took a deep breath, covering his wounded left side with his right paw, before he settled himself on his knees. Keeping his head bowed, he slowly, exhaled and spoke the best he could, his side making him twitch every once in a while.

Slowly looking up, Leon met the green eyes of a dark she wolf. He didn't recognize this wolf, but he understood well enough from her posture and the atmosphere that he was facing someone from Amata's pack. Someone, he assumed by her dominant posture, that was on of the heads of Crimson Dreams. She also made Leon's spine shiver in... Fear? It'd been too long since he last felt that, and the Timber studied the female a little more. Until his side throbbed painfully.

He clumsily lifted his left hand so it rested on his leg. Gnawing on his lip for a moment, Leon wondered how to approach this situation. "My name is Leon ven Liudesys. I apologize for my rude intrusion of your lands." He began slowly, eyes flickering to his battered body. He felt his eyes dull once more. Sighing, he spoke again. "I was actually hoping to find someone who can help with... this." He finished weakly, letting his right arm droop and expose his sliced abdomen.

Leon stared down at his side, before letting his eyes wander up his right arm to his shoulder, which had stopped bleeding long ago. His ear flicked in agitation. He had let himself be overtaken so easily. He should have come up with a plan before he attacked, and he knew it. His eyes returned to the female. "I know I am a stranger here... but I honestly don't know where else to turn. I don't want to burden you or your pack, and I will leave at your whim." He spoke evenly, refusing his pain. He slowly attempted to raise himself to his feet, to keep the female from pitying him. That was the last thing he wanted.

This was their home, and he was a stranger, worth no trust. If they kicked him out, he would manage somehow. Or die. Neither thought truly bothered the black Timber anymore. He had failed to uphold his honor, and his code. His thoughts dropped however when the slice on his abdomen throbbed and he quietly yelped, falling back to his knees, his head also falling, in shame.

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