Hang me up and out to dry

A figure covered in fluff was plodding onwards through the snow, rounded ears flattened back to his head. The cold winter air held a frightening silence, one that almost chilled the large creature straight to the bone. The area seemed to amplify his loneliness, and the pungent scent of asphalt stung his nose. The area was thoroughly overgrown, green splitting through the harsh black stone. This area evoked very little enthusiasm from the young male, unlike his first encounter with the beach. He had never seen asphalt before, either, but he was truly not enjoying it. He made haste through this area, coming from a trot to a run. He bounded through the snow, his heart soon beginning to hammer against his chest. A sore ache began to fill his body, infiltrating straight to his lungs. The pain took his mind off of the prior loneliness. Once again he truly felt alive.

The area was soon enough left behind, and his adventures continued. He encountered an open field filled with rocks and sparse vegetation. The snow had claimed this land as well, making it hard for the youth to determine a safe path. In a rare moment of clarity, he decided to take the long path around rather than diving right in. He had started his journey the morning before, and already the sun was growing high, marking the mid point of his second day. By the time it was directly above him, he paused. The scene before him left him in awe, and a smile cracked across his maw. The flora and fauna had grown much more dense and the snowy pines now reached endlessly towards the sky. The shadows cast were almost a relief as the sun glinting across the snow had become painful on the wolfdog's eyes. The scene of a forest was a relief- it was familiar territory to the mutt. Despite the dull aching that ran through his body due to his earlier running, he lifted one paw after the other and continued onward.

He found the ground here to be a little harder than he had become accustomed to, a little more slick. He fell a couple of times, leaving him with a new scrape on his chin and a sore rump. Finally his body could take no more, and he settled himself against a tree trunk. This was the second time he had come to collapse from exhaustion. He lowered his head and let his eyes slide to a close, the last thing he saw before a deep slumber being the treetops, and then the frozen creek in the distance as his gaze cascaded downwards. He found himself immediately dead to the world.

The youth awakened with a start. Something was amiss. He cracked his eyes open, darting them back and forth across the landscape before him. He now understood what had woken him up. He was downwind, and he could scent another male. He rose to his feet slowly, grimacing at his own stiffness. He stretched himself out languidly, yawning widely before he scurried back and tucked himself behind a tree. It wasn't long before the said male came to approach the creek, which also brought the pool to Zed's attention. What was this guy doing, anyways? His ears grew fully erect, his eyes widening with a sense of childish wonder. He had grown up with his mother, so he was not accustomed to the differing food-gathering tactics of his own kind. Using tools truly was foreign to him. He watched curiously for a moment, but soon decided he didn't understand in the least. His brain was not yet meant to perform proper deductions with so little information. Thus, he took the initiative and full on BOUNDED towards the unaware male, skidding to a halt a short distance away. His excitement had stolen his breath, causing him to huff slightly, his breath appearing in bits of fog hanging around his head. "What are you doin'?" He demanded, now approaching the other with more caution, his eyes stuck on the sliced ice and the line. He, as per usual, forgot introductions due to how focused his attention was on this other creature and his weird behavior. "I never seen that before." He noted as well. Hopefully he hadn't startled the other too much with his rude approach. He truly could be tactless at times, this mutt.

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