Bloody and beaten soul.
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OOC: Big Grin Amata to the rescue!!


Amata had been at the mansion when the call for a healer had come. She jumped up and hurried up the stairs where she grabbed her medicine bag. She had not been called specifically so therefore it was a possible emergency, she didn’t want to take any chances of being unprepared. She rushed out into snowand headed to where her mother called from. She wasn’t expecting what came up though. She saw the dark figure of her mother first, and then her bi colored eyes turned to the male… who was almost as equally dark, hunkered over. At first she didn’t recognize him at first, but as she got closer her heart leapt into her throught. It had been Leonard. The man she’d met only a few days ago. The one whom she offered to have join the pack but he either turned his back on her or was too afraid. She had a hard time recognizing him due to his form. But those details were of little consequence right now because he was badly injured.

“Mother, what happened?”

She didn’t wait for the woman’s answer. She got to her knees and looked at the exposed arm first, yes it was clotted but it was also dirty, she’d probably have to reopen the wound to clean it out, looking him over she needed to know what injuries he had before she moved him.

“Leonard, can you hear me, if so you need to show me where else you hurt, inside and outside ok?”

Yes she was acting like a doctor, but also a friend. If something inside him was off it would be bad to make him walk or even move him at that point, so the most important thing was to get a good idea of the man’s wounds.

By Manda

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