[M] Black snake living in a black hole
Orin Takekuro

:: 300+ ♥ Word Count ::
:: OOC ::

Argul took her by surprise. Orin barely understood what was happening as the man lurched through the boarded window, splintering the wood and sending fragments flying. She tossed her arms up to defend herself, and before she could cry out in alarm she was shoved over onto the floor, a heavy weight on top of her. Since she had been crouched, the fall would not normally have knocked the wind out of her, but the heavy man on top of her slight form did. She gasped for breath and stared up at the man, fright glittering in the warm honey of her eyes.

Seconds later her ears went back, though she still gasped for breath, fighting to get air back into her tortured lungs. She tried to move her hands, to grab at the man in a feeble attempt to push him off, but she could not move them. Her eyes rolled, though she was unable to lift her head; the man had her arms pinned skillfully beneath his knees.

Then she realized why she couldn't lift her head as the claws dug into her throat. Her eyes went wide and she stared at the silhouette that loomed over her. What was happening? Why was he doing this? It was... she focused... Argul?!

She had enough breath now to let out a small whimper. She didn't know what to do; immobilized as she was she could not fight the man, and her pups were prone and unprotected downstairs! If she cried out it might enrage him, and who would hear her anyway? The hand on the throat would probably prevent her from getting much of a scream loose.

“What...” she asked weakly, breathlessly. There was little force to her voice, though most of her breath had returned. “What are you doing?”

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