[M] No one hears you scream in the darkness
I are sorry for failness
WC: 500+ 5 points

His insane laughter maddened her, it swirled around her brain turning and twisting like a snake that spewed its poison causing white hot anger to surge and her eyes to snap open, blazing with her fury and she swore to herself that he would pay, by god he was going to fucking pay. His hand tightened in her mane and he dragged her head backwards and up, she bared her teeth at him as he licked her cheek, she might be powerless but a victim she was not and her muzzle wrinkled up further. She hardly even noticed Ookami's snarled words nor his initial attack, she was too busy trying to figure if her was flexible enough to allow her to twist around and snap at his face.

His forceful movements inside of her had caused internal damage and the blood that the tears oozed were enough to help. Then he leaned forwards to whisper more of his crap at her, ”You will never find anyone to take you, your nothing but a dirty slut now. Just so easy to give it out to anyone. “

Despite the current situation and being in a lot of pain she couldn't stop the laugh that echoed forth from her maw. Did he honestly believe that? That his words would ever mean anything to her, she grimaced as he decided his claws would be better put to use raking down her back instead of trying to damage her private areas. Her thick fur offered her some protection from his claws but inevitably he cut through her skin into the fat and muscle beneath, the blood began to flow from new areas of her anatomy and she still gritted her teeth against it, no sound coming from her other than he earlier bark of laughter.

She felt the black male begin to swell inside of her and also felt his seed release into her body, and she could only hope that her body was not so far into its cycle that she would conceive his spawn but she would deal with that when the time came. For now was her time to act, she was not a victim, she was not his play toy nor his pet, and she especially hated the nickname Dot. The fury that had been growing within her now burst and she was dimly aware of Ookami backing up to slam into the male.

Now she acted with a speed that surprised even herself, she rose up using her forearms for elevation and twisted her body around, ignoring the extreme pain from her nether regions as his wrenched around inside of her . Her teeth were bared and ready to taste his blood as her head shot forwards and her maw buried itself into his shoulder, sharp teeth puncturing into the skin and then muscle. Her rear legs pulled up and clawed blindly at his exposed stomach, hopefully she would claw off his all too important te3sticles. When Ookami slammed his body into the mass of fur and limbs, #Jace allowed herself to roll with the impact but did not loosen her jaws resulting in pulling a chunk of fur and muscle from his shoulder, she pushed with her legs and with a burning tearing pain she was free of him and she scrambled backwards.

Red stained her fur everywhere, continuing to pump from her various wounds but she paid them no mind, she was focused on more important things. With Ookami here she was no longer outclassed, the odds had tilted forwards in her favor and she stalked forwards with a murderous snarl on her face.

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