[M] Black snake living in a black hole
Orin Takekuro

:: 400+ ♥ Word Count ::
:: OOC ::

It was crazy. This was crazy! But it was all so surreal. Her legs pumped, every moment the pain that lanced through her side threatened to fell the frantic mother. But somehow Orin managed to stay on her feet, and it was almost as though the pain subsided as she ran. In fact, instead of growing slower and lethargic, she found more strength with each step. Later she would come to realize this was the numbing effect of mild shock, but for now it was the thing that would save her child.

Her arms clung desperately to the bundle that encased her daughters as she ran, following the tracks in the snow. Sometimes she thought she could see the shadowy figure just up ahead, and thought that she would catch up to him! But it was only her imagination. Orin was carrying two puppies, and she was out of shape from her pregnancy, and injured. There was no hope of catching Argul. That did not stop her, though.

She gulped down air as she followed the tracks out of Thornbury and into the snow-powdered woods. Once, in heavy brush, she almost lost the path but noticed a chunk of dark fur that had been nabbed by brambles, and again she found her way towards Argul and her son. He was so far ahead.

Finally she burst out of the trees and into the moon drenched clearing. The blanket of soft snow glittered in the moonlight, a sparkle that could rival the stars and the tragic events that happened this night. She paused there, her eyes cast upon the trench Argul's footpaws had dug in the snow. She blinked. She could see him, could see the man's back. Demetrius! She could save him!

She almost started forward again, but then remembered the precious bundle in her arms. What if he went for her daughters? Orin trudged back into the forest and slipped off of the path. She chose a place quickly, kicked the bush a few times to knock the snow from it so it would not fall on her infants, and then placed the children beneath the flowering bush. The yellow petals of the witch hazel smiled down upon them.

Orin was gone. She had to be fast. Her babies were too small and tired to wriggle out of the blanket, but they would need her soon. She bounded over the snow, running after Argul. Had he slowed down? Was he waiting for her? There was no way this was a surprise, so she slowed and then stopped a few feet away from the man and crouched. Maybe she could fight him now – now that she wasn't trapped on her back. It was only then that she noticed where they were... Upon the snow that suffocated Cercatori's once beautiful flower fields.

“Argul!” she croaked in a rasp. “Give me my son back.”

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