[M] Black snake living in a black hole
Argul Rakezael

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He looked down upon the frantic and bleeding female wolf. He looked at her like she was so pathetic, and that her lunge was the most feeble attempt he has ever encountered. He felt the power of the situation in his hands. He stepped directly on her midsection and held her down tight with his weight. This would be the most exciting kill ever, there was so many pay offs. He had power over a life, the pup; he had power of the mother of the pup, he was going to force her to 'enjoy' this deed as well; and he had one more surprise that would show up later, Shawchert would pay!

He looked down at her wickedly. His visage a haunting shadow hovering above. A cruel act was about to be preformed. Dark despair would wash over the mother wolf tonight. Blood would spill, young innocent blood. The acts about to be preformed were demented, sick and cruel. The malefactor this night had no care about how wrong this was. There was a greater goal in his mind. Everything else from the main goal was simply an extra added on, like sprinkles on ice cream or a cherry on a sundae.

"He wont be my last. My hunger and my thirst...my brilliant future and my ugly past, will all be here with me until my deed is done. My blessing and my curse, there will be no rest until my work is done!" His words seemed to spit out of his mouth like acid. The voice seared the night with a bubbling nastiness. His eyes managed to widen even more, making his sight even more fearsome.

"You witness the start of this, and wrote your own destiny to how you would perceive it!" His voice boomed with malicious intent. His hand with the knife raised to the whimpering pup. Before any words can be said he drove the knife into the neck of the pup. It wriggled around in agony. Luckily for the pup, Argul was not in the mind for torture. He let the blade cut it's way across the neck of the pup. Ear to the other ear, opening the flesh. Blood poured out and right down on top of the mother wolf. It was literally a blood bath for the mother wolf.

"I grant you another chance. Leave....and never come back." His voice now turned low and melodically noxious. This time it was meant, if she did not leave, she would suffer a similar fate...if not worse.

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