
Hello! Welcome to 'Souls! Big Grin Did you have a profession path in mind for Shiloh? Also, there wouldn't be a sign marking the territory, just the fence and the scent markings ^^

The Gadui Kanati sat easily on the stallion's back as they cantered around the edge of AniWaya's territory. Things were slowly improving in the tribe, but the large improvements still had to wait until spring came and the ground cleared of snow. No huts could be safely and sturdily rebuilt until they could actually build on the ground. The Town Hall was slightly crowded and honestly the man was growing sick of having to live in the same building as so many other members of the tribe. He and Liliana had only been mates for a short time before the storm hit. This time should be their own to start their lives together and now they barely got any privacy whatsoever. Nayati's nerves were worn close to the surface these days and it did not take much for him to become irritated and foul tempered. He needed a break, some time away, just him and Lili. A plan was beginning to formulate, but it would have to wait a little longer yet.

His keen hunter's nose picked up on the scent of an unknown wolf and soon he spotted the collapsed form outside of the fenced line of the borders. Concern etched itself on his strong face and he signaled Iye to a halt and he got down from the horse's back. Nayati ducked under the fence and cautiously approached the malnourished woman. "Miss? Miss can you hear me? Are you alright?" The last question was slightly stupid, as she clearly was not alright, but it was simple instinct to ask it.

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