i am not alone

omg sal is here too Big Grin

The two wolves moved through the forest on four legs, one tracking while the other trailed behind. He was much larger than the puppy, who was just starting to grow into her large paws. Salvia had been eager to try her hunting skills, and though it was still early for him to take her hunting, he had wanted to keep the children distracted from the horrors of Harlowe’s death. Even now he felt rage build up in his chest at the thought, furious the boy had even dared to approach his children.

Salvia snorted at a peculiar scent, turning to her father. Daddy, someone else is here. Her eyes, the same vivacious green of her mother’s, were remarkably intelligent for such a young girl. She had shown problem-solving early on, but likewise exhibited the same feral instincts her father so boldly displayed. The pup was often bossing her siblings around, usually roughly, and today had shown him she was capable of tracking. They had followed a squirrel across the packlands and towards the borders, which was when the unfamiliar scent had stopped them.

Yet it was no stranger that he found. His large body went rigid as trepidation filled him. Was she truly here? Was she still alive? Salvia, unsettled by her father’s body language, folded her ears back and retreated behind his tall legs. “Misery?” Larkspur called out, looking for her pale fur in against the slowly darkening forest.

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