i am not alone

sal is adorable. i love how larkspur is just like YAY MISERY. he makes me happy

"Only those who are arrogant and blasphemous name a child after a God." Simple, her voice quietly angry. Sukan and Kylie had been those kind of fools. They had named her precisely what she was to them - a Misery. Her twin, had been named Ankh for her snowy fur. The Khalif were fond of naming their children after words or objects, but not the gods. Gods names held power. It had always made her stomach curl to call her Ankh. False god. Lying god. They loved her. They had not loved Misery. Sukan had hated and violated her. She had killed her father. This girl would never know such cruelty - Larkspur was a good boy. "We are all made in the image of the holy ones. Those bathed in black belong to Tak, those of white to Ankh. And everyone in between falls to the silver lady, Rah'khir." No doubt the girl had been told that, but repetition was key.

"I did. The day I was born I was of the blackest sin." Not a spec of light on her, she had been a deep, absorbing shade of black. She missed her darkness sometimes. Missed being able to look at her own dark fur and remember Damian's. The white fur never felt right, but it was her's now. As tempted as she was she would do nothing to darken it - she had been blessed somehow. "But I changed. I have done both very good and very bad things, little one," Her voice was very soft, and she scratched affectionately behind the puppies ear. "But I have always believed. I am no saint, but I am not the worst sinner. But the gods rewarded my faith. I have risen into the light. I will never turn my back on Tak," A cruel god, but his cruelty was refining. His cruelty was love. "But now Ankh blesses me as well. She has taken me into her light."


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