Bloody and beaten soul.
Leon listened to the women speak and introduce herself as the leader of Crimson Dreams, and felt something nag at his mind for a minute. He responded immediately to her question, understanding her concern. "You don't need to worry about him following me. He was fairly certain I would be dead where I was, which is why I was able to make it here." He said, settling himself back on his knees again. "He walked away a couple hours before I was able to stand again. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance m'am" He bowed his head in greeting, holding as much a submissive posture as possible.

Leon clenched his left hand in aggravation. His anger wasn't towards Savina. It wasn't even towards the blond Optime. No, he felt angry at himself. Here he was, sitting wounded and weak before the leader of Crimson dreams. Just like every other important encounter in his life. He was weak.

He took another deep breath to relieve his anger at least a little. He focused instead on the sounds of the forest around him, waiting for the arrival of the healer. He looked up as he heard rushed foot steps, and stared at a familiar coat of white. His mind battled over whether or not this female was in fact Amata Sadira, whom he had met just a few days prior. He had only seen her Lupus form, but her eyes flashed with recognition, and he recognized the kind voice.

When Amata knelt next to him and examined his wounds, he shifted awkwardly, letting his wounded side show more. "Well," He began. "My shoulder was reopened. And I got a few cuts and bruises here and there. But my side is the only actual concern I have." He finished through gritted teeth, his side throbbing once more. He ignored mentioning the wounds on his legs, as they were minor, though in large quantity. The pain seemed to be lessening for now, but that didn't bring back Leon's confidence.

She sounded both friendly and strict, amusing the wounded Timber a bit. Looking down, the male mumbled, "I'm sorry. For running off, and for coming back in this condition." His ears drooped as he said this, and he spoke quietly, not sure if Savina would hear him or not. "Probably not the best impression." He joked halfheartedly.

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