(Thank you for telling me. I will try harder to write more. I am still getting used to this)(I am not sure if this is long enough but i have 1433 Characters)
Shiloh woke to the feeling of something moving and opened her eyes slowly to a soft fur of some sort. She was on the back of a light brown mare, the man who had found her riding in front of her. Her first though was that she was saved, that he heard her and her second was where were they going. She felt a soft breeze ruffle though her fur and she welcomed the cool feeling. The terrain was rugged but in the distance she saw bright flowers, their fragrance coming to her on the wind. She felt like she could trust the man who had found her and wondered what his name was. He looked like the strong silent type, his white fur gleaming in the sun, the feathers accenting him beautifully. She wished she could see his face but was starting to grow tired again.
Though out the whole ride Shiloh went in and out of consciousness and by the time they made it to the town she was too tired to even try to move as the man walked her though the middle of the town. She tried to take in her surroundings, the pack of this strange land but her vision started to grow black and cloudy, blurring as they continued to move though the town. She smiled softly when they stopped and only had enough strength to look at the man who had saved her one more time, croaking her thanks before passing out.

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