Running the night shift.

Sorry I took so long! D: I hope it's all right!

Siku had been nearly everywhere in Dahlian territory, but one place she avoided was the cemetery. She knew what it was; on the south west end of the border. The Spaher had seen it from a distance, head stones and statues. Many intriguing sights, she was sure. Many plants would grow there come spring too, she could tell. It was something to look forward to. However, she also knew that it was full of spirits. The alabaster wolf was religious, though not strongly enough to place faith in a certain religion. Knowing in her heart that there had to be a higher power, as well as a spiritual afterlife was enough. Even if Siku had never delved into the whole concept, through the pain of losing a loved one she had come to the conclusion that they had to go somewhere. And that somewhere involved cemeteries. Siku was told this, but she also sensed it. At least, she thought so.

Despite the petite she-wolf being anxious at the thought of spirits and the dead, she found herself leaving Wolfville with her black nose pointing south. Previously ignoring the thought of going there, it was something she had to do. For one, the curious by nature woman wanted to see every corner of Dahlia eventually. For two though, the white wolf was hoping to experience something supernatural. A voice from the dead, an eerie feeling.
A real ghost, maybe. That would mean it was true; and Siku's mother was still alive in some form. Right?

Though Siku had been purposeful and quick about moving at first, feet began to drag and her nose dipped as she stared at the structures she was nearing toward. They were aged, yet still standing. "What have you been through? And you still stand. You must be held together by spirits, statues." The strange Dahlian mumbled, golden eyes studying everything as she crept past the stone fence like barriers, right up to a particularly large statue. "Virgin Mary," She whispered once more, placing a paw on the statue lightly. She recognized this figure. "Mother told me about you." Siku smiled, ears pressed flat as she stared thoughtfully at the face of the human. "You look strange, but I still think you're beautiful. Are you real?" Siku spoke with a childlike naivety, golden eyes genuinely waiting for an answer in the lifeless face. She did believe, very much so. But reassurance was always nice. Siku was content to sit there, surrounded by spirits and stone in the darkness. Perhaps the lady would answer her, a soft whisper in her ear of a blast of cold wind. The air was still, though. And Siku heard nothing.

A soft sigh escaped her slender maw, and Siku could no longer shake images of her mother from her mind. She missed her, so much. The hurt was fading as Siku aged, but the longing would never go away. Siku placed both paws on the statue, barking loudly. As it became silent once again, tears streaked down her face. "You told me spirits can linger, Mother! You never said goodbye! I'm waiting!" No more restraint. The woman cried out with anger and pain, immediately regretting it. Stupid. "I'm sorry, I don't mean you Mary." Siku stared up at the frozen face again. "I was hoping my birth mother would respond to her CHILD'S DEVASTATION." Siku spat, half serious and half wondering why she thought Tanaraq (mother) would hear in the first place. If anything, she was probably upsetting the dead that actually died around here. A little shiver going down Siku's back, she began to regret trying to contact anyone at all. What if they answered? Siku hadn't prepared herself for that. Silent once more, she sat still for a moment and listened for anything. Waited for anything.

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