your father was a priest

Word Count → 3+ :: table © sie

She did not miss the way the young male's golden eyes turned edgy as they grazed the pained face of her son, who strained so much now to show his curiosity that the entirety of his small blue-mottled body had begun to quiver. She felt a pang of sadness, that even he who shared half blood with the boy could not have an understanding of his flaws. Did this mean that Elijah truly was damaged? Wrong - He is wrong on the inside. The words went through her mind, too, and while emerald eyes flew over the other two children, she thought: They all are.

The young male had moved, and now he rose to a stand - He was tall, like Gabriel. The wariness to her gaze returned; He was not Gabriel, for his hair was of the sunlight, not of the darkness. It was crucial to remind herself of that fact.

She did not shy away when he approached. Ezekiel's nearness did not fill her with dread, but a strange sense of familiarity. She gazed deeply into his shallow golden eyes, and saw nothing but mirrors of sincerity. The book was a pleasant weight in her hand, and the woman waited until he had moved back before she tucked it against the gentle curves of her chest.

For a moment she gazed at him, her expression guarded, clouded. The deep scars in her upper arm stood out starkly, for they were rends in the flesh where no silky cream fur would ever grow again. A gentle wind toyed with auburn curls, but the severity of her expression sudden changed, allowing the young male a glimpse of the vacant weariness within her, the supple beauty and joy that her children had created within. "Thank you." One hand lifted to hover a moment in the air, before ivory palm sought the lean muscle of his upper arm, wanting to offer sincerity but not knowing how. The gesture of vulnerability made her feel awkward, and so she let the hand drop, calloused but slender fingers curving again about the book. Alaine clutched it tightly, feeling ashamed that she had been unable to make the connection. He reminds me too much of Gabriel...

"I know the faster way back to Inferni," She paused, gaze lingering away from his face, drifting vaguely over Elijah. He had resumed his poignant, owlish stare at the stranger who was his half-brother. "But... But I have supplies, if you... If you would like to join us for a meal."

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