The Dark Heart Longs For You

Sorry for the wait Req! I've been busy busy DX Also, I'm rusty too!

The vigilante had not been leading a very exciting life since Cwmfen had left him and their children for the lands they had met in. Onus had not understood her decision and he doubted he ever would even if she explained it to him. Even if she ever came back. There had been a plague on Nova Scotia and its name had been Haku Soul. The coyote remembered the chocolate, blue eyed demon well. It was not in his nature to leave such a creature alive but the circumstances of his and Cwmfen's departure had been extenuating. Their children had been in danger. The demon might not have dared to touch the woad warrior, but he surely would have killed the twins if he had ever been given the slightest opportunity. And so they had left that place behind so Honor and Chastity could grow up in relative safety. Relative because the children of a warrior and a vigilante could only be so safe. The twins were now over a year old, and for a man who had never imagined having children, he was proud of his. Still, ever since Cwmfen's departure he had been more reserved and quiet even with his offspring, returning to the state he had occupied before he had met her.

At the moment the coyote man did not know precisely where the two hybrid twins were. He did not worry for them as he had when they were small and defenseless. They had been taught well in the ways of combat and they could easily protect themselves if the occasion came. They also always traveled around together so they would have the advantage of both of their skills. Onus had never observed such synchronous battle movements as the two shared. It nearly seemed something of legends and fairy tales. The fraternal twins could be a deadly force if they ever put their minds to it. Really though, there was not much action to be had for the odd little family. They traveled the wilds, which was not the father's forte, and he did not remember how long it had been since he had had a good fight, found a criminal worthy of his effort. The world was filled with scum, it always had been, and yet here it was oddly devoid of that. In some ways it was relaxing, but in others he rebelled against the stagnation. His body was still in top form, but there was no one to point the perfect weapon at. A boring existence for a vigilante. Still, he refused to leave the twins behind though. Partly because he loved them, and partly because he felt they were the only remaining link he had to their mother, the woman he loved.

The man had been sitting up in a tree, reading a book he had recently scavenged. His hat, scarf, and coat were off, hung over the branch, though the eyewrap remained in place. The cool autumn air tickled at his multi-hued coat and with it a scent came. At first Onus thought he was simply imagining it, a flight of fancy in the pastoral air. But then it became stronger and a waterspout of emotions pushed up in his chest. There was love, and relief, but they were tainted with a bitterness and a caution. He had never stopped loving her, but there had been times when he wished he could. When she had walked away it had left a wound in his heart and now he could feel the scar of it reopening. The coyote sat in the tree for some time, still as a statue, trying to decide exactly what he felt and what he should do. In the end he simply could not decide on the former, and as for the latter, he stayed where he was. If she wished to find him, she would. She had traveled all this way and she could walk a little further. He had waited, and would continue to. He would not be the excited puppy waiting at the doorstep for her.

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