I need my friends, family, everyone
Yay cooookies 500+ 5 points

The look of complete unhappiness and lack of hope on his face made her heart clench for him. Whatever was wrong in her life was nothing compared to what he was going through, her wrong she could right with time, were his problems right-able? It did not look like it in the male's body language and she whimpered inside for him. She opened her mouth to speak to him, to comfort and stopped. What would she say? Don't worry it will all be over soon. Ack! She shook her head slightly.

Her mind wandered back to her pack, specifically the elders who knew the language of the north unlike most of them who could only speak English and tiny bits of the northern languages. The language had an almost magical ability to sooth, she had picked up on some and now she used it with whispers that were barely audible.

"Come young child, sit with me now. Tell me, what is wrong with your world." As the charcoal hued male laid next to her but not touching, she smiled slightly. Ever the gentleman. She shifted her body sideways so that her side was pressing against his. Her ears flicked back when he asked if he wanted to talk about it, though his digging his cold nose into the warm fur of her shoulder brought a small giggle from her and she butted his head back with her own gently. But now both Falgar and the three legged, sable male known as Noah wanted to know. And she conceded the information to a higher up, after all he was one more person to look out for her attacker and make sure he didn't attack again.

She opened her mouth to speak and for a few seconds nothing came out so she cleared her throat and tried again. " I.. I was raped. And now I might be carrying my rapist's offspring." Her paws twitched as phantom pain flashed through her body. At the time she had been too fueled with adrenalin to take much notice of it but now she knew that it had really fucking hurt. Her ears stayed down against her head, the only thing she had taken away from the encounter with Lucifer had been the wounds, the pain and his seed. None of his evil words had stuck in her head. She did not believe herself a slut or anything else he had spewed at her, Temo still loved her, wanted to stay with her despite everything and that she might carry the other male's spawn.

She placed her head down to rest upon her paws, her blue and amber eyes looking out sadly at the world that they captured within their gaze. She was quieter now, less outgoing. Not that she had been enormously outgoing in the first place but now she was less so, now she walked with even more caution although today that had been forgotten in her overwhelming depressive mood. She sighed soundlessly and a small tear overflowed and traveled down her furred cheek.

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