
Hi there! Welcome Smile Since Erin is away I'll hop into the thread and take over for a bit, Dawali is the pack's Master medic so he can heal her Smile

Erin: I had to powerplay Nayati simply entering the building and placing her on the bed just to make it fit naturally, I hope that's okay with you? Smile

Dawali rose— well, not so much rose as "managed to hobble himself up" from his tall seat as he heard Nayati outside. "Yes?" he said in response, and Nayati was not waiting for that either, already explaining his coming there. Quickly moving towards the entrance of the Town Hall, Dawali responded immediately. "Get her in here - what's wrong with her?" He'd found her at the borders? So many new faces had come recently, and Nayati or Liliana had often greeted them. The Chief didn't get to know them as he would have before, and he itched to have his leg heal quicker and better.

Once Nayati entered, the Chief was by the shelves where he stored the medical supplies, and he glanced at the unconscious female and motioned for the Master Hunter to place her on his makeshift bed, a pile of blankets in one corner of the building. Trained eyes inspected her but found few indications of what exactly was wrong with her, other than the quite obvious fatigue. Quickly grabbing a few blankets, water and a kettle he had salvaged to make tea in, the Chief prepared his things for his patient. With skilled movements he poured water into the kettle and spread leaves from dried herbs in it, a pinch of this and that, before placing it on the in-door hearth and approaching the female.

She seemed to be mostly worn out. His movements were stiff and sore from his broken leg and inactivity but he managed to somehow sit next to her, lifting her head up and dripping water into her mouth, ever so slowly. Hopefully getting water into her would wake her, and when she did there was food waiting. Dried fish - it was not much but it would help her. The tea he was making could wake her further, if she was having trouble. Taking his time, the Chief continued to feed the female water, slowly, waiting for a response. "You're quite the luckyone" he mumbled to her, absent-mindedly and shaking his head, glancing very briefly at Nayati. If she only knew how lucky she was; there were those around these parts that would not have saved her, but left her to die alone.


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