I think I'm going to eat you my dear.
Orin Takekuro

:: 400+ ♥ Word Count ::
:: OOC ::

The weary, fatigued woman walked unsteadily upon the rocks that lined the river bed. Her face was downcast and empty, unfocused eyes stared at the stones beneath her footpaws as she followed the fresh water. She was close to where the river emptied into the ocean now - where the fresh water would become polluted with salt and sea and become useless – and could hear the waves crashing against the Shattered Coast, yet the sounds fell upon uncaring ears. She was lethargic, both from exertion and from stress, and although every fiber of her being screamed inside of her, insisting that she not take pause in her retreat, that she could never stop, Orin had to take a little time to fix herself up. Her arms were weak from clutching her daughters, her body ached all over from the constant hiking and from the events that unfolded the night before. So the Tundra wolfess found a den for her daughters near the river, though it was dry and secluded there, and went to the river.

Orin was too frightened to leave her children for long, or to wander very far from the den, so she counted her steps and would not exceed twenty. Her coat was still encrusted with the blood of her son, and as much as she loathed the thought of washing the last bit of him away, she knew she needed to clean herself up – for her daughters. Everything, for her daughters.

As she crouched down in the river's shallows, a hot pain lanced through her side. She hissed and her breaths were short. Argul had kicked her in the ribs and it there was some sort of lasting injury from it, but Orin did not know if it was a broken, bruised, or cracked rib, and did not care.

Her rust-stained hands plunged into the cool waters, and almost instantly the current began to wash the blood from her hands. She delved in farther, sinking her arms in deeper, and now a new pain slithered up her arm as the water washed over the angry wound on her forearm, the gash from Argul's knife. Every moment beneath every view all that Orin could see was that scene playing over and over again. She froze, staring into the babbling waters. Time was escaping her, she could not feel the passing of the minutes or the shifting of the sun. And she certainly was not aware of the darkness that loomed so close.

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