Flying lessons
[html] ... iustab.png); background-color:#000f33; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">If assuming Viking was silent for that long is no bueno just let me know. =) WC 300+
Make a wish when your childhood dies.

The boy was so distracted looking over his shoulder at the ground below that he did not even notice Viking's approach. He should have noticed the sizable male but the man moved with such swiftness and Scorpius was ruefully unobservant. His hind paws dangled for a moment before he tried to find a place for them to rest upon the rock wall, but he could not find a spot sufficient enough for a good boost back up. He whimpered, and then when something touched his fore paw he yelped in surprise and jerked his scarred face to stare at the monstrosity.

A silent beat passed. Who was this man? Was he here to help Scorpius back up, or was he lending a paw to gravity to help Scorpius back down? One whiff and the boy understood that the hulk was a member of Anathema. There was hope, but still, there was also a telling pause. Then, before Scorpius could grow impatient and beg the man to pull him to safety, the hand around his paw heaved and for a moment the boy felt like he had wings! Viking effortlessly pulled the boy to safety, except the extra force of the action almost sent Scorpius head-on into another boulder in the tight space. He yelped and his paws scrabbled on the ground, but he managed to jerk to a stop before he crashed into the rock.

Wide, ruby eyes stared at the rock for a moment before turning to Viking, one eye outlined with ragged pink scars. “Thanks... uh...” he didn't know the man's name. “Thanks.”

He turned around and peered over the edge, a hearty sigh puffing from his lungs. “Juju and I used to play up here all the time, but I guess not anymore.”

Why did he even come here? It was so stupid, and now the stupid ledge he used to always keep from Juju was now crumbled and gone. It was no fair. He huffed again and dropped his rump to the ground, raising a back paw to scratch behind his non-scarred ear. “I'm Scorpius,” he said casually, then waited. Nothing. He began to feel a little strange sitting there in the giant's shadow, and the silence was chiseling at the edge of his sanity.

“Hello? Mister? Aren't you going to say anything?”


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