Treasure Trove


Silyva and Rina continued their treasure seach. Rina one one side of the beach and she on the other. They kept making their way up and down, trying to find some more pearl holding clams or nice trinkets. Yet, they had found nothing so far. She was starting to lose hope, Rina kept bring her many clams to opean but they were sadly empty. Silyva was getting tired of looking on an empty beach. No one to talk to, nothing to find. It was kind of getting boring.

Silyva started to day dream like she always ended up doing when she was bored. She imagened find the best treasure in the whole world. Which was.. well.. That day dream ended quick because she didn't know what the best would be. Maybe a lot of gold? Silver? Huge jewls, maybe dimonds? She couldn't decide. Finally moving away from that dream she began to think about something else.. What if she had all the treasure in the world?! She could finally settle down. Well she would have to settle down. There was no way she could take it with her everywhere she went. Yes, she would have she self a huge house that could hold all her things. But then she would have to hire someone to watch over all her stuff. Theifs would try to take it all.. Damn theives.

She was yanked out of her own little world when Rina came running up to her, the clawing her way up Silyva's body, curling around her neck. "Good Goddess Rina whats wrong! Gezzzz" Reaching up to calm her Marten, she caught a wiff of what was wrong. A male wolf. Turning to see him walking towards her, she stood her ground. He greeted her and she greeted back. "Morning to you too, Im fine thank you. How are you?" But he did the weirdest thing that about freaked her out, He walked right on up to her and sniffed her tushie then turned to let her sniff his. She took a step back, refusing to put her nose anywhere near his butt. She liked doing things the old way, but not that old. "Uhhh, no thanks. Im Silyva and this is my Marten Rina." Nodding towards her pet.

This wolf was way strange. And how did he get over to this island. For what reason she wondered.

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