Shiloh woke to the soft drip of water down her throat. She was parched and every little drop made her lean closer and closer to the source until she opened her eyes and looked at the spoon she was drinking from. She coughed a little before reaching shakily for the spoon and drinking the rest of the cool liquid. It was then she noticed she was being held up by someone. She looked over at the person helping her and gave a weak thanks, her eyes conveying her hurt and need, her ears laid back in submission. She looked away, her hands shaking way to hard for her to hold on to the spoon. She dropped it and watched it fall to the ground. She reached for it muttering her apologizes, her face showing her worry.
"Am I safe now?" she whispered looking at the male closest to her. He was tall with russet and black fur, some of his fur was braided like the man who had found her. He had soft golden yellow eyes that seemed to hold care and understanding. He had a broken leg, that was obviously paining him. She looked at the hut they were in and noticed it was that of a chief. She was on a pile of furs and blankets that were in between two what not shelves that were skillfully crafted with leaves and vines etched into it. Each groove had a jar or bottle that was labeled with the contents of what was in it. Beyond that there was a elaborate wooden chair that faced the opening flap. There were spears and bows and arrows on the walls and feathers that seemed to be on everyone she had come across so far. The floor was that of packed dirt and hay and was covered in paw prints of those that had come gone from the hut. Shiloh felt safe and protected where she was and didn't want to leave.
"Can I stay?" she ask quietly

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