For the First Time

:3 Sorry its short!

So his coat of fur was created through genetics. Her excitement slightly lessened, Siku sighed. She had hoped it was through some sort of process or regimen that allowed him to attain the wonderful cuddly texture. Apparently not, Siku would have to settle for the thick, disheveled but soft fur that was on her own back. Oh well. Golden eyes gazed up at the large wolf dog as he permitted further touch, and the woman appeared delighted. She stroked his arm with her paw as he spoke, almost petting him as she listened to him with constant interest. So he was the kind that could change form, too! Siku nodded in reply, understanding him as he explained it got worse. She tilted her head to the side, ears sticking up at she gazed at him quizzically. 'I wonder what he looks like in Optime?' Siku was thoughtful, both paws sinking into the wonderful sand as she was quiet for a moment. Luckily, her new companion was more than willing to compensate on her end of the chatting. Even his tail? Siku leaned over to the side, trying to get a look at his tail.

He asked the question. Siku's ears dropped to her head as she ran her tongue over her fang. Of course he would notice, it was obvious. Siku shook her head, shrugging at the same time. "I dunno, I think I was dropped on my head as a child." She lied shamelessly, one of the darker sides of her. Lying came easy when it meant no harm. "Anyway, I'm thinking I should be chasing your tail right now." She grinned up at Zeb, giving him a moments notice before swerving around him to pounce on the crazy tuft of fur and bone that was tail.

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