For the First Time

OOCtasties: Haha, no problem Smile I don't mind at all. As you can see, my posts aren't always super huge either lol

Zeb easily shrugged it off. "Oh, alright." It was easy enough for him to drop. He didn't really know much about the way people might hide something from you, or lie. Besides, it didn't matter much to him. It was just a tooth anyways. And then he suddenly was back up on his feet, dashing away from the very sudden pounce. He kept his front end lower than his rear, his posture showing his acceptance of her sudden playfulness. He grinned at her excitedly, "Oh yeah? I gotta warn you, it's pretty fast." His reaction timing was pretty good, and he was always ready for something to become playtime at any moment so the sudden turn was no real surprise for him. He was, after all, just a big overgrown puppy between those rounded ears.

And then he took off, sending sand showering in all directions ever time his paws awkwardly struck down. He still wasn't used to this new ground yet, and he was awkward enough on his own. He saw himself as pretty fast, however he truly wasn't much of a speed demon. His muscle was naturally bigger, not lean and made for speed. He was made more for brute strength. It probably wouldn't be too hard for the female to keep up with him, despite his earlier warning. It felt good to be goofing around again. The excitement of it all could almost be felt coursing through his veins, and without noticing he instinctively let his tongue hang out the side of his mouth slightly.

He bounded in towards the waves, which seemed to be drawing ever closer.. But he didn't take much notice. It was go time.

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