Running the night shift.
OOC:: xD Hello there, I'm Akiva. It's no real problem, I don't mind waiting, your writing is really pretty and well worth it. =D

A warm-gray paw placed itself upon the base of a large, frosty statue, soon to be followed by another paw, this time a pale white. The limestone figure was leaning dangerously on an angle that almost threatened to give in completely to gravity, appearing to be held up by nothing but the ice and snow itself. However, the porcelain wolf was satisfied that it wouldn't fall under her weight, she wasn't heavy enough for that, daring to take two more steps. The stone was freezing cold to the touch, even for Velvet. She wanted to get a good look over the area, and this was one of the tallest statues out of the 37 that she had counted thus far on her journey.

Several steps later and she had successfully climbed onto the shoulders of a winged human-like creature, feeling almost sympathetic towards the fallen statues. They were called 'angels,' right? Velvet shook her head lightly, her mind unsure of the name for the beautiful winged stones. She felt that she could somehow relate to them; they were cold and lonely and long forgotten, just like she was, which may have explained why she felt so at home in the neglected cemetery.

Quieting her thinking for a moment, Velvet's ears pricked up. She hadn't realised it, but a few feet in front of her was a small figure, talking openly to herself and the largest statue of the cemetery. However, this figure was not made of stone, indeed, it was perfectly alive.

Velvet calmly sat herself down and said nothing. Not a murmur. She did not want to rudely interrupt the wolf, it was not her place to question people as to why they start conisations with the ever-silent statues. After all, the statues did not judge or complain to those who took the time to speak to them, they simply stood and listened.

Soon the pale wolf in front of her fell silent, and Velvet could once again hear the silence around her, the gentle breath of wind whispering in her ears and through the snow-covered trees. The small white wolf looked rather melancholic sat at the base of the large statue, and after a few moments of silence, Velvet took it upon herself to say something. But what could she say? She wasn't good at this kind of thing and she would probably end up saying something offensive or upsetting. No, she didn't want to make it any worse... but the longer she sat and watched, the more she felt sorry for the lonely canine.

Swallowing lightly, the young subordinate tilted her head, the soft light of her glow stick making her honey-glossed eyes glisten innocently. "You look sad." She softly stated, pointing out the obvious like she usually did.

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