Ain't That Just the Way Life Goes - Pack Hunt

Word Count→000 :: OOC

After her meeting with Krystalle, Sankara had worked even more to finish her hut. And it was worth it, because within two days of working most of the day, the hut was finished. Sankara was proud of her work. The logs were placed correctly now, and they were tied with pieces of cloth or old ropes. But it was solid enough to stand on it's place, so Sankara didn't have to wake up with a log on top of her body.

That morning, the woman had woken up and came out of the hut. She was in the mood to take a walk, so she headed towards the lake beside which she had built her home. The pristine waters waved softly as the sun appeared in the horizon. Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by a temptating smell. Caribous. Sankara walked towards their direction, but as she lost the lake of sight, a howl was heard from Thornsbury. The last time that she had heard a howl like that was when Shawchert gathered the pack. But this was only one howl, unlike the day of the snowstorm, in which Shawchert's howls had been repeated. This one was not only single, but it belonged to another wolf.

Sankara headed to the source of the howl anyways. She ran towards the source of it, Thornsbury. As she reached the borders of the town, she noticed that she had not been the only one. She could see a cream colored wolfess. She supposed that she had to be Skye Collins. She didn't know any other wolf with a creamy pelt like hers. And beside her was...Slade? It seemed that in any situation they always ended up in the same place.

Sankara stopped some meters away from the place where the other two canines were standing. Slade looked a bit intimidated, and Sankara wondered why. There was no danger, and Thornsbury was like the safest place of Cercatori d' Arte. Sankara heard how Skye greeted and informed Slade about the situation. They were going to hunt. Of course, if the entire pack showed up. When the cream-colored wolfess glanced around, Sankara took her entrance and approached them. "Good morning Skye!" then she turned towards the coyote male "Hi Slade!". The female's mood rose evn more as she sat domn on her spot and waited for the leader to give her instructions. She hadn't hunt something as big as a caribou in a long time...and she wondered how would it be to do it as a pack. She had never hunted in a group, not even before arriving to 'Souls. This promised to be an interesting experince.

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