Running the night shift.
OOC:: This is kinda short. Sorreh, heh, I had to rush it to fit it in before I go off to school. ^_^’’ And thank you. <3

Velvet's ears fell backwards slightly as the wolf reacted to her voice. A few moments passed slowly, and still the golden eyes of the other wolf seemed to watch her closely, as if searching her soul for a spark of some kind. The wolf remained still, very still, only a gentle tremble provided a sign that Velvet hadn't quite frightened her to death, which was a good thing, right?

The expression on the wolf's face seemed to drop, a look that Velvet knew well. It was disappointment. Velvet shifted her gaze downward for a moment, she hadn't wanted to get the wolf's hopes up for nothing. Lifting her gaze, she listened closely to the gentle words that seemed to drift to her ears as the wolf spoke, taking note of the smile on her face. Velvet mirrored this smile silently, both relieved that the wolf had perked up and entertained by the strange wolf speaking so open and fluently, her paws waving around to certain words. Velvet didn't complain, it was nice to see them speak their mind, she had heard that it was very therapeutic.

The words 'ghost' and 'spiritual world' particularly intrigued the pale wolf who sat upon the statue. In the few days that she had resided in the graveyard, she hadn't once thought about spirits. They couldn't possibly be real... could they? Velvet mentally shook her head, such an idea had to be fiction, she shouldn't be afraid of what doesn’t exist, right? …But what if they did? Typical of the pessimistic wolf, thoughts of ghostly figures and the living dead flooded her mind. She shuddered lightly, spending a few moments of planning the actions she would take in the event that she ran into a ghost. Or a zombie… Or a vampire… she quickly forced herself to concentrate on the wolf in front of her, who by now had moved closer.

"Siku." She seemed to echo back, now with her thoughts under control. She would be sure to remember that name as her eyes met with the warm gaze of the other wolf. "My name is Velvet." Her smile brightened as she stood herself up, secretly still pondering the theory of the undead. She took the short leap from the cold, leaning statue and landing silently on the powdery pillow of snow, her paws sinking considerably. The other wolf, now dubbed Siku, sat a few paces in front of her. "I'm a new subordinate of Dahlia." She spoke very matter-of-factly, pointed her muzzle to the right, almost motioning somewhere off behind her, somewhere among the limestone statues and vegetation. "I live in the graveyard here."

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