Running the night shift.
OOC:: Your too kind. xD I would have posted this a few hours ago but my internet went down, it's been doing it a lot lately. Sorreh. <3

Velvet Paused. Why live here? She hadn't actually thought about why the cemetery was so appealing to her, it was a combination of small things that made her feel at home. The sights and sounds of the area, the smell of the pine and the smooth texture of marble and limestone.

Her eyes danced around the at the statues and tombstones, and the towering trees sheeted in sparkling white. She loved how mysterious yet beautiful they appeared. Some statues had missing hands or even heads, many had chips and cracks, some weren’t even standing upright anymore. The resent snow storm had damaged so much, it made her sad.

She never thought of the graveyards as actually being 'graves' of those who had passed. She wasn't religious and only believed a few superstitions, although the thought of someone visiting her when she herself found her final resting place was comforting, and she assumed the dead felt the same way. If she had been able read human language, she was sure that the faded messages left on their headstones were a token to remember them by. "Everything here is art... memories and lives carved into stone." Her voice was soft and timid, unsure of what else she could say to sum it up.

Velvet quickly realised how depressing she sounded, she simply smiled and turned her gaze back to Siku. "It's peaceful." She continued, swishing her tail from side to side. "There's also few cute structures around that give good shelter, I even found one with a bed inside... although it looked more like a box, but it was comfortable." Velvet liked how the small tombs often looked, and anything she found inside was a bonus. She had visited some of the larger man-made buildings in the town further into Dahlia territory, though she had never gone inside. They seemed unnatural and bulky, taking up large amounts of space, however the small stone mausoleums seemed as if they had always been there, emerging from the earth itself.

"Even the wildlife is nice here." She had seen some of the other areas of Dahlia and the graveyard wasn't really as important, it was quietly tucked away at the border, a place that she could also hide herself away. She felt that living the life of a 'ghost' kept her out of the way of others, and allowed her time to enjoy the things that often go forgotten and unseen to most, just like she was. "Well... It's nice here."

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