Am I too late?

Big Grin 300+ words. WotD: Apposite (appropriate, fitting).

It had been roughly a month and a half since the snow storm and Vigilante had seen neither hide nor hair of Kambujiya. Though it was greatly disheartening to realize that his adopted son was likely gone for the time being, perhaps forever, the King took it as a good sign that they had not yet found him, as it meant that Kam was likely alive somewhere, wherever he was. At the very least, he had not perished in the storm. He did not know where the boy had gone to or why, but he was glad to know that the storm had not stolen his young life. None from the Court had perished in the storm, thankfully, and the members that had been missing during the gathering at the hotel had been accounted for in one way or another.

The secui dog mutt was followed by his ever-growing large hybrid son, as he was on most days. Noah often played with Liam, and sometimes Liam accompanied them on their patrols, but it was often just the King and his oldest son. Noah seemed to think that this was apposite, as he was the ledest of the King's children and would likely take over as King someday. He knew that Vigilante regarded Amaranth and Ever both as his daughters, but he did not count them in the thought that he was the oldest, as neither was really the King's daughter. He, on the other hand, was of Vigilante's flesh and blood.

Bicolored eyes lit up with excitement at the sound of the howl and Noah nudged his father's leg roughly. "Dad, dad! A howl! We have to go!" Vigilante gave his oldest son a bemused smile. He knew his son was often overly enthusiastic about accompanying him on his duties, but it did not bother him in the least. Rather, he enjoyed having something to share with his son, and he nodded his agreement, leading Noah in the direction of the howl until he finally spotted the female that had called for him. "Hello," the secui King spoke regally, "I am Vigilante Haskel, King of Cour des Miracles, and this is my son, Noah. What can I help you with?"


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