I need my friends, family, everyone

Temo Wolfe

A lone, black wolf sat atop a log staring off into the trees but not seeing them. The wolf peered under the log at the empty den there. Sadness seemed to radiate from the wolf as he sat there deep in thought, back to staring out at the forest, his tail still and ears held at half mast showing something was troubling and saddening him.

She had told him that she needed him and told him why, told him what had happened. He was angry, angry that someone would do that, angry that it was done to her. He was angry with himself that he wasn't there to protect her when she most needed him. It also saddened him that she went though it. It saddened him even more that even though he told her he still wanted to stay with her, be with her, have her at his side as they walked through the valley of life, she seemed to keep going off alone. He knew there would be emotional issues and he wanted to help. He wanted to be there at her side for support, but he couldn't do that when she keeps wandering off by herself.

Temo stood up and jumped down off the log and sniffed around for a minute. Finding her most recent trail leading off, he looks in the direction she had taken. His walk heavy, his ears drooped and tail hanging, he began to follow her. The rabbit he had gotten for her in hopes she would eat to keep her strength up and heal faster, forgotten at the entrance to the den.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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