Live your story

300+ If you continue to apologize about silly things I will go get my axe >:| <3

The woman cared little for the reasons he pulled forth. There was a reason why there were here; because they both had things they needed to learn. It did not matter why. Halo definitely favoured the two-legged optime form, but she knew that it could easily turn into a weakness that could help her fall. There were no wars these days, but hostility could be found by the borders at the right time and place. She considered herself pretty invincible against a four legged canine as long as she was in her optime, but she knew that she could not predict the future. Better get a good grasp on everything if she had the chance. The woman had few hobbies that did not belong to her rank in some way, and therefore there was enough time to improve every day. If there was a better canine with sword than she around, she’d be surprised. But that could only be arrogance.

Whether the man before her was feeling out of place or not was none of her concern. Perhaps she could have turned her back away and let him change forms without a spectator present, but she was not sympathetic enough to offer him such a favour for free. She could relate to it, and would probably not appreciate having to shift before Kesho either, but it was not bad enough to harm her in any way. Everyone had the ability to shift these days, so why would it matter. Halo had the ability to be kind, but it was uncommon for her to reveal that side of herself unless it was together with someone she was close to. It was a shame, really, for she could wonder whether or not she was leading Silas behind the light. Then again, she did not pretend in front of him, so she couldn’t see herself as a liar either.

Her posture changed with his, though in her case she merely obeyed physical memory. She had trained hard for years, and knew the importance of balance and instructing her muscles properly. Clawed fingers curled; for once not going to be used to inflict additional harm when she was to hit her target. A solid fist could get far, but ripping claws could make blood flow with ease if they were well placed. Her pose was similar to Kesho’s, but she stood with solid confidence. Something resembling a smile settled on her lips, and her tone was almost mischievous as she spoke with her sweetened voice. ”Come and get me then,” Proper training would come later, but it was necessary to see exactly where he was on the scale. Fun now, work later.

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